

Coaches Game a Huge Success!

Posted by Nassim Abouzeid on Jun 15 2010 at 05:00PM PDT
Our annual Coaches game was a great success.  Thank you to all the fans that came out and supported the teams.  The Travel team continued their winning ways against the Micro's by beating them 4-2.  It was a hard fought battle on both sides.  If you took pictures at the game can you please post them on Facebook.  Not a fan of RYS on Facebook yet?  Click here and become a fan
Congratulations goes out to our 50/50 Raffle winner, Kerri Smith.  RYS (and  Kerri S.) thanks you for purchasing tickets for the 50/50 raffle.  Also, a special THANK YOU to all the volunteers, board members, coaches, and parents that made this a great event.  Without you none of this would have been possible.
At halftime of the game, 2 awards, Coach of The Year & Volunteer of The Year, were given to a couple of volunteer members of the RYS family who went above and beyond to promote the RYS experience.  Congratulations goes out to these members for the services they do for Rockland Youth Soccer:

Coach of the Year - Dave McKenna
Volunteer of the Year - Nassim Abouzeid


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